What would you use this sewing notion for?
I went downstairs to my sewing room to press my black skirt. I couldn't find my pressing cloth in its usual place, so I started opening all the drawers in my sewing desk to see if I had inadvertently put it away. This is the drawer that holds shoulder pads and large chunky zips, so I don't open it very often.
This is a brown tree snake, commonly known as a night tiger. They won't kill you, but their venom packs a punch, so children, the elderly or people with weak hearts will get pretty sick. The picture doesn't do him justice as they are the most lovely shimmery bronze with a salmon coloured, very glossy belly. Whilst I have no fear of snakes and will happily pick them up and move them, finding this one in my sewing desk made me jump. I have loads of these all over the house, but I have never found one in a cupboard before. As I haven't opened this drawer for ages, I don't know if he is a new resident or if he comes here often. I shut the drawer and left him in peace.
Will you be checking tomorrow to see if he is still there?
Rose in SV
Slithery kisses,