June Capsule Contest
I've started this blog to try and keep myself on track with the June Capsule Contest I have entered. The goal is to make a four piece wardrobe and one accessory and they all have to match!
So far, my sewing has always been very random and not at all thought out. I see a pattern I like and I buy it, with no thought as to fabric choice. I see a piece of fabric I like and I buy it, with no thought as to what I will actually make out of it. As a result, I have boxes and boxes of fabric and patterns that I've collected over the years and never used because they don't go with anything.
In entering the June Capsule Contest, I am determined to make use of some of my rather large fabric stash at the same time as getting into the habit of making garments that actually match other things. I've tried to plan for full SWAPs but they are beyond me at the moment, so I am getting in training with a smaller wardrobe. If this works for me, I will just keep adding as I go.
The June Capsule Contest has a twist: no black. That turned out to be easier than expected.
So, without further ado, here is the story board for my June Capsule Contest. It has the rather unimaginative title, Tropical Winter.

Not hurt kisses,
so happy to see you started a blog
your plans look very good, can't
wait to see more