Still doing it in July ...
The June Capsule Contest is over and judging has commenced. The standard of work is spectacular and in a way I'm not sorry to have pulled out, even though my garments were techinically complete in the time frame. My work is simply not up to the standard of the others.

There has been talk of continuing the sewing spree into July, but I don't know if it's official or not. So I'm challenging myself to my own July Capsule Contest. My aim is to complete a further four garments this month, to complement the previous garments and extend the wardrobe in another direction. Stitches Magazine does this regularly, each issue adding 4 - 6 garments so that by the end of the wardrobe (which may have spanned a whole year) the garments may not match the garments from the beginning, but form part of an extensive wardrobe that spans seasons.
To this end I am starting with a dress. It's Vogue 8409. I'm making the version in green using a lovely brown paisley microfibre I purchased from Gorgeous Fabrics .

I am quite liking Vogue patterns at the moment. After years of working mainly with Burda World of Fashion, it's rather nice to have complete instructions. I still trace my patterns off, rather than cutting them, because I find sometimes I need to make different sizes, depending on the fabric but this is relatively quick.
Here's the dress so far. It's gone together really easily. I decided to add a lining, so I drafted a pattern for a front bodice lining and used the skirt pattern for the skirt lining.
Here is Vera's latest dress without the sleeves. I love this fabric. Just yesterday, after sewing the bulk of the dress, I got a copy of Claire Schaeffer's book, Sew Any Fabric and in that book she talks about how hard it is to sew microfibre. I did not find that at all, in fact before I read the book I was trawling the internet looking for more microfibre because it was such a dream to work with. Here's a close up of the bodice, although my shitty photography makes it hard to see how nicely the folds sit.
I hope to add the sleeves tonight and finish the handstitching. It should look pretty good with the jacket from the JCC and new (from the opshop) pair of tan boots I bought today.