Vera's first SWAP garment
I've completed my first garment for my SWAP. It's orange. It's Kwik Sew 3497. I like it but don't love it. I'm not sure I'd make the mock wrap front again. Quite frankly, that much fabric over my stomach in this climate is way too hot. I'll make the plain front though. I'll also use clear elastic on the armholes as well as the neck. It gapes a little. It fits me better than Vera, but it still gapes.

Cidell and I had a discussion this week about making separates that languish in the closet because we have nothing to pair with it. For this reason alone, I have undertaken the SWAP and as Cidell said, we will have a workable wardrobe if it kills us. This top sat on my coffee table still pinned to the pattern for a week. I have never left a garment pinned to a pattern before and I don't want to make a habit of it. Part of the reason for that was that I'm not terribly confident with knits. I can do loads of things that others find difficult, but knits scare the crap out of me. I seem to have mastered the twin needle thing finally, so I'm rather happy with the way the neckline has turned out.
Apropos of nothing - here is the view from my sewing room. I took the picture from outside because the window is filthy and you wouldn't have seen past the cobwebs.
We will sew coordinates! I like being on your team.
I've been having a rummage through your delightful blog, and I'm so in love with the dresses you make, they are just gorgeous!
Love the top too :)