This weekend I've managed to knock two items off my SWAP list, much to my surprise. First up is
BWOF 1-2008-109. I've been wanting to do this skirt for a while, but once again I am a little ambivalent about the finished product. It's no reflection on the pattern, rather a comment on my shape. The curves in the front panel manage to point to my widest part, making me feel fat and frumpy in this skirt. I still love the style and it went together very easily and quickly and I will probably make it again, this time without the colourful topstitching. I made size 38, but probably should have made 36, as it's a little loose on me.
Second is from the Burdastyle website. I downloaded
Anita jeans number 6006 in December 2007 and never got around to making them. At the time they were free, but I noticed today that you now have to pay $4 for them. The pattern is very quick and easy. Once again I made size 38, but ended up taking them in again. I wasn't going to do the back pockets as the pattern suggests, but after a glass of really good shiraz, I decided I would. I think they had a bit of whimsy.

It was hard to get a decent shot of these on the bed and I don't have a pants mannequin. It's about nine hundred degrees here today and way too hot to put these pants on for a photo. In fact, I haven't even hemmed them because I was too sweaty to ease my way into a pair of skinny jeans!
I used the same denim for both. It's a very stretchy fabric from Fabric Frenzy at Nerang that I bought for $15 a metre. It's a lovely quality and a much darker shade of indigo than these pictures suggest. Next time, however, I think I would use denim with less stretch. The topstitching is a quilting thread, but I've forgotten the brand. The colourway is Citrus and I really love it.
This has been a weekend of firsts; first time sewing denim, first time sewing jeans and first time using a twin needle for topstitching on anything other than stretch.
The sun is over the yard arm but it's still stinking hot, so I'm off to have a cold beer and cut out a pink top ...