It was almost Wardrobe in a Weekend ...
This weekend has been spent sewing my Wardrobe in a Week. I started with these shorts, which are Burdastyle Ruby, downloaded free from their website. I've made them several times before, so these are pretty much TNT. I haven't sewn the buttons on yet, the hand sewing will all happen tonight watching TV. I have two whole series of Soap (is anyone old enought to remember that?) on DVD that I am working my way through.
Next up is this top which is BWOF 06-2007-105 I think. At the last minute I decided to top stitch in chocolate brown to help tie these together. I'm not sure how well it shows up in this picture.
While I was threaded up with orange, I went onto making this blouse cum jacket thing from BWOF 05-2008-105. It doesn't have its buttons yet either, but they will be the same ones I used on the shorts. It needs a good press. It looks better on a human than on Vera.Last up I moved onto my Enid Gilchrist dress from this book. I'll blog more about this after WIAW because it is a real gem.
Here's a shot of pattern page I used as well as the dress that inspired me.