Silk tweed ...
Today I put this dress together. After the muslins I made last weekend I was fairly certain it would fit well and it does. I've ordered some shoes to go with this, so when they arrive and the jacket is finished I might just let you see them all together. My cheap camera really doesn't do this fabric justice; it is the perfect balance of caramel and cream, with a hint of pink and a hint of green. After trying this on in yesterdays heat, I am fairly certain I will find the weight of this silk tweed way too hot to wear in summer, so I'm going to have to sneak in a wear or three during spring. I'm glad I lined it in cotton! I'm disappointed that it look so ... blah ... on Vera because it is really lovely. When I first saw this fabric I instantly saw brown patent crocodile accessories and I have ordered the shoes, but I am on the hunt for a bag. Any suggestions for jewellery??
I started on the jacket yesterday. Here is is with the sleeves attached to the front and back, but without the side seams sewn or the collar on. Still looks a bit nothing.
Here's a back view of the jacket so far. The pleat hangs beautifully in this fabric. The pattern shows a bow at the top of the pleat, which I would normally consider a bit naff, but I think it will finish this perfectly. In fact, I was thinking of placing a smaller on at the top of the kick pleat at the back of the dress, but I will see once the jacket is finished.
The jacket pattern is unlined, but I am lining it because the fabric needs the support. I usually choose loud, unmatched linings, but as this jacket will mostly be worn with the dress, I decided to use a more subtle lining. I've chosen a lovely gold satin, which I forgot to photograph, but will show you next time ...
As for the jewelry; I have no idea if you are a gold- or a silver person. I don't like golden jewelry on my skin, so I would combine this dress with a delicate silver necklace, and maybe some dangling earrings. And ofcourse my hair up!