On the Magic Bus ...
I have been sewing and I did make my dress - only just. I am so frantically busy and quite close to a nervous breakdown. Until I get it together to photograph what I've made (and there's a lot) I will show you the pictures of my staff Christmas party last weekend. As I mentioned last post, we took the Magic Bus to the Gold Coast races.
Here is me in the middle with all the girls. This is the only shot I have of my dress at present and at this distance you can barely see the pink in it. In fact, it looks like a rather insipid brown.
Here is all the boy staff. There were nine people who couldn't make it, so we were only a small group this day. Yes, we do have more female dentists than male. We've got a great team here and since this picture was taken I've employed another three staff this week.
Here's a shot enroute. Just below the people in this picture is a large esky full of champagne that was empty by the time we arrived at the races. I might add that I wasn't drinking it - I was one of three sober people on the day. You can also see that the incredible art work is inside the bus as well as out. We stayed upstairs for the whole trip.
Here's the last shot of the night, taken on the way into Byron Bay.
I ask you, would you trust any of these dentists to work on your teeth?
Here is the first picture of the day, when everyone still looked tidy.
A couple of our colleagues who couldn't come to the races were playing in a band at the Great Northern in Byron, so Tim the Magic Bus driver took us in and dropped us off in time to see the last two songs. A good time was had by all, but I'm sure you've figured that out by now.
The silhouette of your dress is lovely, and I like the colour in the distance shot. I am looking forward to the close ups to show off the pink
Work from home India