There's a story to this ...

But first I must thank Kristy for showing her inspired method for creating labels at home. I have been planning to get some labels made for ages now. Indecision about what I wanted and extreme laziness are the only reasons I actually haven't done it. Within half an hour of reading of reading Kristy's I had bought some transfer paper and ribbon and started work.
Part of my indecision was font choice, but then I realised that as I am not trying to create a recognisabe label for sale, I can have whatever I wanted. In fact, I could choose a label to suit the mood of each garment! I downloaded a whole heap of new fonts and tried some of the ones that came with Word. This is printed on pink paper because that is what I had in the printer. After this I printed the labels on transaparency so I could try them out on various ribbons.
Now to the back story.
I once worked with a woman who was a serious label queen. She referred to everything by its label. Nothing was simply pants, shoes, bag etc. Everything she owned was known by its label. She was also a serious name dropper and hated the fact that because I worked in film in television for 17 years I could really drop names if I had to. In fact, one of colleagues who had tired of this woman and her name dropping, told her that I had "Slept with more famous people than she'd ever meet."
But back to the labels.
One day I wore a dress to work that I had made. In a moment of uncommon generosity this woman admired my dress and then said "Who is it?", meaning what label is it.
I replied, "Fug Divino."
My label was born.
