This shapeless sack is on its way to becoming BWOF 05-2007-115 (I think). It's a military style dress with one of those funny flappy things on one shoulder, epaulettes and nice little tabs to hold a belt. Well, it would if I hadn't run out of thread. This is as far as I got. I'm hoping that by the time I've added the epaulettes and belt loops and sewn on the military style metal buttons I have, that I will have grown to love this dress.
So I moved on to this dress. It's BWOF 08-2008-118 made from a polyester jersey from Fashionista Fabrics that I've had in my stash for a long time now.

In the magazine this tunic was worn with tights, belt and a vest. I will probably wear it similarly, with a long sleeve top underneath in winter. It doesn't look much on Vera, but I really like it, which is odd because I was ambivalent about the style when I first cut it out. You can't really see the style because the print is busy, but here is a close up of the pleats on the front.

I think this is cute and I look forward to the weather cooling enough for me to wear it. I forgot to take pictures of the hems, but my twin needling is perfect with no lumpy channel at all!
The other thing I completed this weekend was the photographs for my SWAP. I spent about two hours ironing everything and putting together outfits and snapping pictures (with the self timer), which will appear on the Stitchers Guild Flickr page in the fullness of time. I'm very happy with the end result. I'm off to cut out another dress.