Easter Sewing ...
My SWAP is officially complete now that I have finished this Kwik Sew 3334 jacket.
It was the first item started and was the last one finished, ironically. The pattern is unlined, so I drafted my own lining pattern. I used a satin that is way stiffer than I expected, which turns out to be a good thing, given that this spring tweed is very limp and gets moreso after wearing for a while. I've worn the skirt twice and already it looks saggy. Here are a couple of shots of the inside of the jacket.
The lining looks a little screwy in this shot, but it is flat in real life. I've also added a little white on white embroidery at the top of the pleat that you can't really see in this picture. If you can see it, you will notice that I sewed it crooked! This next shot is for Faye and shows how badly I inserted the pink satin piping between the facing and the lining.

In addition to finishing the jacket, I hemmed the jeans for my SWAP and made DH a pair of camouflage pants from his TNT pants pattern. I forgot to photograph them, so you'll have to take my word for it.
Today I made this dress for myself. It's the first item from my Vanilla Choc Orange autum into winter wardrobe. It's BWOF 09-2007-117. It's a stretch voile and I lined it with cotton poplin for body as it was a little flimsy on its own.
It's kind of cute on and I have a pair of dark brown pumps that match it perfectly. I've also tried it with a tan peep-toe pair and my favourite orange shoes. Soon as I figure out the self timer I'll show these garments on me instead of Vera. Here's a close up of the front neckline.