A frustrating day sewing ...
So I changed my blog colours.

After being forced to put the jacket aside, I moved on to a pair of Alice and Olivia pants in a striped twill. The result was so disgusting I did not even bother to photograph it. This is my second attempt at this pattern, made so beautifully by Erica twice so far and the second time this pattern has not lived up to my expectations. 
More tomorrow ...
Today started out well. I've been working on this jacket. It's Vogue 8161. I just learned it's now out of print and I only bought it fairly recently. I'm loving this jacket already, made from a chocolate brown sateen from Gorgeous Fabrics. I was ready to fuse and insert the sleeves this afternoon and was horrified to learn that I am out of the interfacing I used on the body of the jacket. I was sure I bought another 10m last time I was in Brisbane, but I can't find it to save my life. Of course, this interfacing is the only one I can't get locally. This project will have to go on hold for a while. Incidentally, I have pinned on some buttons for comment. I bought these because I really like them, not necessarily for this jacket, but I thought I'd show you all and see what you think. I can't figure out how to use the macro feature on my camera very well, so this is the best close up I could get.
After being forced to put the jacket aside, I moved on to a pair of Alice and Olivia pants in a striped twill. The result was so disgusting I did not even bother to photograph it. This is my second attempt at this pattern, made so beautifully by Erica twice so far and the second time this pattern has not lived up to my expectations.
I started working on another version of Cidell's favourite dress. I've forgotten the number, but it's from BWOF 09-2007 and you will see it tomorrow.
Lastly today, to make myself feel cheerful, I washed the fabric I bought last weekend. Here it is in no particular order. First up, another paisley, because I love paisley. I think this will be a shirt.
This one makes me think of flying saucers and crop circles and feels a little retro to me. I have a few dresses in mind.
This hasn't photographed very well. The background is chocolate brown and the circles are a salmon pink. I definitely see a dress in this one, but I don't know which one yet.
More tomorrow ...