My Sewing Space ...
Everyone lately has been showing their very neat and organised sewing spaces. I thought I'd show you the disaster that is my sewing room. Bear in mind that I am in the process of having cupboards built (and that went on hold when the floods came) and that is why there is stuff strewn everywhere. The shell of the cupboards is built, but there are no shelves as yet, so I have boxes of fabric stacked in there at the moment, as you will see. First up is my sewing table, mid garment construction, complete with obligatory cup of tea.
Next is my sofa, which is covered in Works In Progress, including 20m of burgundy and gold satin with which I intend to recover the Jacobean sofa in my living room. Note the orange UFO on the corner. Can you tell I don't like that dress??
Here is the bed, also covered in WIPs. These ones are in nice plastic containers. The dresser at the end of the bed is covered in patterns that don't fit in the drawers. Yes, there is a drum kit in there as well. I've had to move it while the carpentry work goes on, so there are drums stashed in corners all over the room. You will see that I can't make it to the fireplace on the left side of the picture because of my drums, which has been annoying as I've wanted to light the fire while it's been raining.
Moving around we come to the ugly pink mirror on a stand which I bought recently with a view to repainting (and obviously haven't done), my ironing board which is abandoned in the middle of the floor and a few more drums tucked into a corner.
In behind the mirror we come to the Cupboard that Bruce Built.

These three show the appalling state of my fabric stash at present, jammed into plastic tubs and stacked on top of each other. But that's still not enough mess for me - here is my solarium, also covered in a pile of fabric.

To show you that I can be neat, here is my collection of pin holders. Each colour is a different kind of pin for a different use. I colour code when I work with knits, heavy fabrics and lighter fabrics. Needless to say, this disorder in my sewing room is driving me nuts and now that the floods are over, I hope Bruce will be back to finish my cupboards this week so I can get back to normal!!!
I do like that pin idea. I should seriously do that. I can't tell head from tails with my pins anymore.
Love that matte jersey.