
Showing posts from September, 2009

Silk tweed ...

Today I put this dress together. After the muslins I made last weekend I was fairly certain it would fit well and it does. I've ordered some shoes to go with this, so when they arrive and the jacket is finished I might just let you see them all together. My cheap camera really doesn't do this fabric justice; it is the perfect balance of caramel and cream, with a hint of pink and a hint of green. After trying this on in yesterdays heat, I am fairly certain I will find the weight of this silk tweed way too hot to wear in summer, so I'm going to have to sneak in a wear or three during spring. I'm glad I lined it in cotton! I'm disappointed that it look so ... blah ... on Vera because it is really lovely. When I first saw this fabric I instantly saw brown patent crocodile accessories and I have ordered the shoes, but I am on the hunt for a bag. Any suggestions for jewellery?? I started on the jacket yesterday. Here is is with the sleeves attached to the front ...

What I've been up to ...

I've been trying in vain to find time to post, but it hasn't happened, so tonight you get it all in one big one. First up is Vogue 8593 , the sort of copy of a Michelle Obama dress. The photo is not very good and certainly doesn't do the dress justice. It's made from red rayon doubleknit that was a dream to work with. It's a shame it's now way too hot to wear this dress because I really want to wear it. I bought a new sewing machine. I decided I needed a second machine so that when I'm topstitching in a different colour, I don't have to keep threading and unthreading. Also, I like the idea of a spare machine in case my main stops working. I found this on Ebay. It's a Husqvarna 6690, which I've just learned was the first embroidery machine to sew letters. It's from a deceased estate and was obviously very well loved and used. It came with four separate cartridges with loads more embroidery stitches than I will ever use. Sadly, there is no manu...