And The SWAP continues ...
I've had a fairly productive weekend. I made a dress using Vogue 1020 . It's not part of my SWAP, but I really wanted to use the fabric. I bought the winter before last and every once in a while it works its way to the top of my pile. This time I listened to it and made this dress.

I didn't put a zipper in because the fabric is very stretchy and I can get it over my head easily. Although I love this fabric, the design means that the ruching can't be seen very well. I'm looking forward to winter and wearing this with a pair of ridiculously high brown boots I have and a vintage brown leather coat I bought last year. I will probably make this again. 
The garment I am most happy with is this new top. It's McCalls 5661, View B. I made this in a bright yellow linen blend, which was a dream to sew with. Given that linen irritates me, I should have lined it, but that would have rendered it unwearable here in the subtropics. I finished off the edges of the facing with my truly wonderful binder foot, which is the thing in my sewing room that gives me the greatest joy, every single time.

When it came to choosing buttons, I went for these large triangular ones, which were left over from a knitting project about 8 years ago. They are the perfect match and add al ittle whimsy to what would otherwise have been a plain, rather conservative top. Sorry about the wet patch on the back where I sponged off the marker pen.

I didn't put a zipper in because the fabric is very stretchy and I can get it over my head easily. Although I love this fabric, the design means that the ruching can't be seen very well. I'm looking forward to winter and wearing this with a pair of ridiculously high brown boots I have and a vintage brown leather coat I bought last year. I will probably make this again.
Because I had some fabric left over I made Kwik Sew 3497. I've made this before in orange, as my first SWAP garment. I don't particularly like it, but the pattern was there, the machine was threaded and I was able to quickly add a garment to my wardrobe.
The garment I am most happy with is this new top. It's McCalls 5661, View B. I made this in a bright yellow linen blend, which was a dream to sew with. Given that linen irritates me, I should have lined it, but that would have rendered it unwearable here in the subtropics. I finished off the edges of the facing with my truly wonderful binder foot, which is the thing in my sewing room that gives me the greatest joy, every single time.
When it came to choosing buttons, I went for these large triangular ones, which were left over from a knitting project about 8 years ago. They are the perfect match and add al ittle whimsy to what would otherwise have been a plain, rather conservative top. Sorry about the wet patch on the back where I sponged off the marker pen.
This looks awful with the skirt I made last week. The more I look at it, the boucle just doesn't work in a box pleat skirt, so I will make a simple short, straight skirt in what I have left. The SWAP project I am starting this morning is BWOF 1/2008 109 in denim. I've muslined it already this morning and it seemed to go OK, so hopefully I will have pictures soon ...