It looks better on me ... edited

I took this bad photo from the magazine I saw this in originally. I love this with the over knee boots. Faye, this about where it hits me - just below mid thigh.



This fitted Cue dress has a cut out back. I found almost the identical fabric (would you believe it) but I decided I liked the crazy paving effect better than the floral. It looks sack-like and 70's hippy on Vera, but on me, with over knee boots it is actually kinda sexy, if I do say so myself. The original picture I have of this dress shows it worn with over knee boots. I used KS3633 the same as I used for the striped dress last post. I have a couple of different coloured tight slips to go underneath, a black, a red and a flesh coloured. I cut extra small at the top grading to small on the hips and it fits perfectly with no unsightly pulling. It's the first real knock off I've ever done and it was a pretty simple one, but I'm uncommonly pleased with this. It's the only eveningish dress I will take. I will post a photo of me wearing it in a yet to be determined location.


Faye Lewis said…
You did a great job on the knock-off. Love the fabric. Where does it hit you, above the knee?
Sharon said…
I can understand why you are pleased with this, great knock off and it will look so different with the slips underneath.
Gail said…
I love that expression 'uncommonly pleased'. Looking forward to seeing a photo of this dress in action!
Faye Lewis said…
Wow, that does make it sexy!
I love the idea of the different colored slips to go underneath! Looks like a great dress.
Angelia said…
WOW! You've been making some cute tops and sexy dresses! Now this dress, I can tell, is going to be super sexy!!! Love it and nice job knocking it off!

I think I need to move to your country.. mangos, avocados and bananas don't grow in TN!! Lucky you!
Sheila said…
How did I miss that gorgeous dress.

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