First garment 0f 2011
This is BWOF 04-10-111 tulip skirt. I don't love it, but I don't hate it and it is perfect for this too humid weather. I wore it work yesterday and it was cool and comfortable. This is made from a stretch cotton I bought at Tweed Heads a few months ago and never really knew what to do with. I cut a straight size 38, but it's a little loose in the waist, which suprised me as I have gotten FAT since my holiday (and an injury that has kept me from training for 6 weeks, but I won't bore you with that).
I also won't bore you with end of year wrap up; suffice it to say that I was surprised to find that I had made 59 garments in 2010 (why don't I have anything to wear?).
I was also surprised to find that I got a Credit for my first semester of study when I handed in a less than stellar essay, didn't complete three full essays in my exam and struggled to keep up with the weekly MCQs. I thought I'd be lucky to get a Pass. Maybe 2011 will be a better year ...
Congratulations on the study, and 2011 is looking good.
I read an article lately that recommended making sure each new piece would co-ordinate with 5 other pieces in your existing wardrobe. I'm hoping that will help me feel like I have something to wear..?